Fabled Enchants: Config Files

 These files are located in the /fabledenchants/data folder. These files are generated when the plugin saves data. Do not edit these files directly!

Enchant Files

One of the features of Fabled Enchants is that you are able to modify the settings of vanilla enchants.

Fabled Enchants are made with skills that are created in Fabled’s dynamic editor and uploaded to  your server. For more info on getting custom enchants on your server go here.

Skills.yml is part of Fabled and can be found in the plugins/fabled/dynamic directory.

  • skills.yml
    • Located in /fabled/dynamic
    • This file is a full list of all your skills and will generate or update the individual skill files in /fabled/dynamic/skill directory.
    • The skills.yml file is downloaded from the dynamic editor.
    • Go here to learn how to download the skills.yml file from the dynamic editor.

General Files