Fabled Enchants: Vanilla Enchants File

Vanilla enchantments can be found in the /plugins/enchantsvanilla/enchant/vanilla folder. All vanilla enchants can be edited within each respective file.

Vanilla Enchant Settings

The following settings can be edited for all vanilla enchantments.

description: 'ARROW_DAMAGE vanilla enchantment'
enabled: 'true'
'max-level': 5
'max-table-level': 5
group: 'Default'
- 'BOW'
'anvil-items': []
weight: 10.0
'material-weights': {}
'min-enchanting-level': 1.0
'enchants-level-scale-factor': 10.0
'enchants-level-buffer': 5.0
'combine-cost-per-level': 1
stacks: 'false'
'table-enabled': 'true'
effect: {}
  • name: Change the name of the enchant.
  • max-level: Max level the enchant can be when using an anvil.
  • max-table-level: Max level the enchant can be when using an enchantment table.
  • group: Two enchantments cannot be in the same group unless the group is defined as default.
  • natural-items: Specify a list of items that can obtain this enchant from enchantment tables and anvils.
  • anvil-items: The items in this list can only be enchanted with anvils.
  • weight: This determines how common the enchant is from enchantment tables. Higher numbers are more common.
  • material-weights: List of specific materials and the weights for this enchant to show up on those materials.
  • min-enchanting-level: The minimum enchanting level to get the enchant. Negative values make it easier to get higher ranks.
  • enchant-level-scale-factor: Set the scale factor. Higher numbers result in requiring higher enchanting levels to get the enchant.
  • enchant-level-buffer: How many enchantment levels beyond the max can still get the enchantment.
  • combine-cost-per-level: The cost in levels per level of the enchantment it will cost to get this enchant.
  • stacks: If false, the highest level enchant is applied.
  • table-enabled: If set to false this enchant cannot be obtained from an enchanting table.
  • effects: These settings only apply to custom enchants, you can ignore this for vanilla enchants.