Fabled Enchants: Enchantability File

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Enchantability influences the likelihood of certain items receiving higher-level enchantments compared to others when using the enchanting table. Vanilla Minecraft establishes specific values for the following items:
  • Material Class: Chainmail Armor
    • Value: 12
    • Max Modified Enchantment Level: 41
  • Material Class: Diamond Armor
    • Value: 10
    • Max Modified Enchantment Level: 39
  • Material Class: Diamond Tools
    • Value: 10
    • Max Modified Enchantment Level: 39
  • Material Class: Gold Armor
    • Value: 25
    • Max Modified Enchantment Level: 48
  • Material Class: Gold Tools
    • Value: 22
    • Max Modified Enchantment Level: 45
  • Material Class: Iron Armor
    • Value: 9
    • Max Modified Enchantment Level: 39
  • Material Class: Iron Tools
    • Value: 14
    • Max Modified Enchantment Level: 41
  • Material Class: Leather Armor
    • Value: 15
    • Max Modified Enchantment Level: 41
  • Material Class: Stone Tools
    • Value: 5
    • Max Modified Enchantment Level: 36
  • Material Class: Wood Tools
    • Value: 15
    • Max Modified Enchantment Level: 41


You can specify new enchantability values for items at a material level. For example, you can make only diamond swords have an enchantability of 100 if you really wanted to.

To customize these values, open up the /plugins/fabledenchants/enchantability.yml file and make the appropriate edits. You can copy+paste the default enchantability groups to get started, just give it a unique name and change the types and enchantability value.

For example, let’s take the first default enchantability group, wood-tool:

# This is the name you give it. It has no real meaning,
# just should be unique.

  # The materials to include in the group. This can be either
  # Spigot material names or numeric item IDs.
  - 'WOOD_AXE'
  - 'WOOD_HOE'

  # The enchantability value itself. Mathematically, this
  # is divided by 4, so you need to increase/decrease it
  # by factors of 4 to see any difference.
  enchantability: 15