Fabled Enchants: Making Your First Enchantment

Create Your Enchant

To create enchants, follow these steps:

  1. Open the dynamic editor here.
  2. In the left sidebar, select the “skills” tab.
  3. Click the “New Skill” button.
  4. Click on the skill you just created.
  5. On the right you will see your skill name next to green and blue icons.
  6. Click on the green icon to edit the skills details.
  7. Click on the blue icon to start creating what the skill can do

Load Your Enchant

After you have created your first enchant above you will need to get it loaded on to your server.

  1. After creating your skill in the dynamic editor upload the skill to /plugins/fabled/dynamic/skilland do /class reloador restart your server.
  2. Then navigate to plugins/fabledenchants/enchant/skilland create your custom enchant files with the same name you used for the skill you created in the dynamic editor.
  3. Within the files you create for your custom enchants add this skill: <your_skill_name>to the file and then restart your server.
  4. After your server restarts open your new custom enchant file located in plugins/fabledenchants/enchant/skilland you will see new settings that can be edited. See the table below for the available options.

Enchant Options

After completing step 4 above you will see these new options in your enchant file.

description: 'ARROW_DAMAGE vanilla enchantment'
enabled: 'true'
'max-level': 5
'max-table-level': 5
group: 'Default'
- 'BOW'
'anvil-items': []
weight: 10.0
'material-weights': {}
'min-enchanting-level': 1.0
'enchants-level-scale-factor': 10.0
'enchants-level-buffer': 5.0
'combine-cost-per-level': 1
stacks: 'false'
'table-enabled': 'true'
effect: {}

Enchant Settings Explained

  • name Change the name of the enchant.
  • max-level Max level the enchant can be when using an anvil.
  • max-table-level Max level the enchant can be when using an enchantment table.
  • group Two enchantments cannot be in the same group unless the group is defined as default.
  • natural-items Specify a list of items that can obtain this enchant from enchantment tables and anvils.
  • anvil-items The items in this list can only be enchanted with anvils.
  • weight This determines how common the enchant is from enchantment tables. Higher numbers are more common.
  • material-weights List of specific materials and the weights for this enchant to show up on those materials.
  • min-enchanting-level The minimum enchanting level to get the enchant. Negative values make it easier to get higher ranks.
  • enchant-level-scale-factor: Set the scale factor. Higher numbers result in requiring higher enchanting levels to get the enchant.
  • enchant-level-buffer: How many enchantment levels beyond the max can still get the enchantment.
  • combine-cost-per-level: The cost in levels per level of the enchantment it will cost to get this enchant.
  • stacks: If false, the highest level enchant is applied.
  • table-enabled: If set to false this enchant cannot be obtained from an enchanting table.
  • effects: Extra settings specific to the enchantment.

Triggering Enchantments

In the dynamic editor, every skill requires a trigger. Notably, within Fabled Enchants, certain triggers exhibit distinct behaviors.

  • Cast: Upon right click
  • Initialize: Upon equipping the item
  • Cleanup: Upon unequipping the item
  • Other: All other triggers happen normally

Obtaining Custom Enchants

There are several ways to obtain your custom enchants.

  • You can enchant the item using a command
    • See list of all commands here
  • You can get enchants with a vanilla enchantment table.
    • This works the same way you would enchant any Minecraft item in the enchantment table.
    • See the config file for more info here
  • You can use Anvils to obtain custom enchants.
    • See more info about using anvils here