Fabled: Config Files

 These files are located in the /fabled/data folder. These files are generated when the plugin saves data. This directory is not used when MySQL is enabled.

Dynamic files are created in the dynamic editor and uploaded to your server.

  • classes.yml
    • Located in /fabled/dynamic
    • This file is a full list of all your classes and will generate or update the individual class files in /fabled/dynamic/class directory.
  • skills.yml
    • Located in /fabled/dynamic
    • This file is a full list of all your skills and will generate or update the individual skill files in /fabled/dynamic/class directory.
  • attributes.yml
    • Located in /fabled/attributes.yml
    • This file holds all your attributes and the stats that are affected by increasing or decreasing your attributes.

These files are located in the /fabled/players folder. These files are generated when the plugin saves data. This directory is not used when MySQL is enabled.

General Files