Fabled: Config File


Each section below comprises the settings within the /fabled/config.yml file, governing the majority of the plugin’s configurations.


Players can maintain multiple accounts that progress independently, enabling them to cultivate distinct characters such as a warrior or mage. Each account’s class level, skills, and experience advance autonomously. Switching between accounts is facilitated through controlled permissions.

  main-class-group: 'class'
  one-per-class: 'true'
  max-accounts: '1'
  - 'skillapi.account.admin:5'
  • main-class-group
    • This is the primary group on your server.
    • Most people use “class,” but it can be customized using any of your groups defined in groups.yml.
  • one-per-class
    • If set to true, players are limited to one account per class.
    • Setting it to false allows players to level up multiple classes within each account.
  • max-accounts
    • Specifies the maximum number of accounts for default players.
    • Every player joining the server will have this number of accounts by default.
  • perm-accounts
    • Permission nodes to grant multiple accounts to permission groups.
    • Customize the number of accounts per group by editing the permission node.
    • Format: skillapi.account.admin.<quantity>.
  • Commands
    • Players need access to specific commands for managing their accounts:
      • /class acc <accountID>: Switch between accounts by specifying the account ID.
      • /class profess: Profess into a class after switching accounts.
      • /class list: View a list of all accounts with their associated IDs.


Targeting determines whether or not entities take damage.

  # monsters-enemy:
  # - world1
  # - world2
  'monsters-enemy': 'false'
  # passive-ally:
  # - world1
  # - world2
  'passive-ally': 'false'
  # player-ally:
  # - world1
  # - world2
  'player-ally': 'false'
  'affect-npcs': 'false'
  'affect-armor-stands': 'false'
  •  monsters-enemy
    • If set to true then all mobs are considered enemy and will take damage by skills.
    • If you are using pet plugins that lets you have hostile mobs as pets you should set this to false.
    • If you wish to designate certain worlds where all hostile mobs act as enemies, you can remove the comment markers from those lines and specify the particular worlds where hostile mobs are considered adversaries.
  • passive-ally
    • If set to true then all passive mobs are considered allies and will not take damage by skills.
    • If you have custom passive mobs that should be attacked, then set this to false.
  • player-ally
    • If set to true then all players are considered allies and will not take damage by player’s skills.
    • If you allow PVP on your server, then you should set this to false.
  • affect-npcs
    • If set to true, then NPC’s will be affected by skills and can take damage.
    • If you don’t want NPC’s to be damaged on your server, then set this to false.
  • affect-armor-stands
    • If set to true, then skills will effect armor stands.

The subsequent settings dictate the frequency of player data saving and the option to utilize a MySQL database for data storage.

  'auto-save': 'false'
  minutes: '30'
  'sql-database': 'false'
    host: 'localhost'
    port: '54321'
    database: 'plugins'
    username: 'username'
    password: 'password'
    # Time to wait on loading data from the SQL database in ticks.
    # Can be used to give time for other servers to synchronize data. Note:
    # this does not apply when loading player data on server startup since
    # players wouldn't be coming from another server.
    delay: '0'
  • auto-save
    • If set to true data will be saved every X minutes based on the setting below
    • If set to false data is saved on server shutdown. It’s recommended to enable auto saving.
  • minutes
    • How often in minutes the auto save will save player data.
    • If auto save above is set to false, this does not do anything
  • sql-database
    • If set to true, then saving will be done in your MySQL database instead of on the server
  • sql-details
    • host
      • Your database host details, this is usually localhost
    • port
      • The port of your host, this is usually 21
    • database
      • The name of your MySQL database
    • username
      • The username of your MySQL Database
    • password
      • The password of your MySQL database
    • delay
      • How long to wait on loading data from the MySQL database in ticks.
      • This is usually used when you have multiple servers connecting in a multi-server setup.
      • There are 20 ticks in 1 second


This info controls how class groups are handled on your server.

  'modify-health': 'true'
  'classless-hp': '20'
  'show-auto-skills': 'false'
  'attributes-enabled': 'true'
  'attributes-downgrade': 'false'
  'attributes-downgrade-price': '0'
  'level-up-skill': 'lvlup'
  • modify-health
    • If this is set to true, then Fabled controls the player’s health.
  • classless-hp
    • This determines how much HP players will have if they do not belong to any class groups.
  • show-autoskills
    • If this is set to false, then skills that cannot be cast (like passives) will not show up in the player’s skill trees.
  • attributes-enabled
    • If set to false, then attributes will not be enabled.
  • attributes-downgrade
    • If set to true, then player’s can downgrade their attribute points at any time.
  • attributes-downgrade-price
    • This sets the price for downgrading attributes.
    • This only works if you have have the vault plugin installed on your server.
  • level-up-skill
    • This sets the skill that will be executed when player’s level up.


These settings determine if Mana is enabled on your server. You can rename Mana for class groups individually on the class group details page of the dynamic editor. You can also set the frequency for Mana regen for class groups individually on the class group details page of the dynamic editor. However, this will not work if you have mana disabled.

  enabled: 'true'
  freq: '1'
  • enabled
    • If set to true mana will be enabled for all class groups.
    • If you don’t want some classes to use mana, then set the freq of your class groups in the dynamic editor to 0.
  • freq
    • This sets the global frequency in seconds for how often mana is regenerated.
    • If mana is enabled and  you set freq to 0, then mana will not be regenerated but you can still give them options to get mana in other ways.
    • You can also change the frequency of mana regen for specific class groups in the dynamic editor.


These settings control how skills are handled on your server.

  'allow-downgrade': 'true'
  'show-messages': 'true'
  'message-radius': '20'
  'knockback-no-damage': 'false'
  'refund-on-change': 'true'
  - 'chest'
  • allow-downgrade
    • If set to true, players will be able to downgrade their skill points for skills at any time.
  • show-messages
    • If set to true messages will be shown when casting skills.
  • message-radius
    • The radius in blocks from where the skill was cast to see the messages.
    • If set show-messages above is set to false, this does not do anything.
  • knockback-no-damage
    • If set to true, knockback damage will be blocked by defensive or offensive buffs and de-buffs.
  • refund-on-change
    • If set to true, using /class changeclass will refund skill points back to the player.
    • If you want players to freely change classes without resetting their progress set this to true.
  • block-filter
    • These blocks are ignored when using the block mechanic in your skills
    • If you add an * to the end of the material like spruce* then all materials starting with spruce will be ignored.


These settings control how items are handled on your server.

  'lore-requirements': 'false'
  'skill-requirements': 'false'
  'lore-attributes': 'false'
  'drop-weapon': 'false'
  'lore-class-text': 'Class Req: '
  'lore-skill-text': 'Requires {skill}: '
  'lore-level-text': 'Level Req: '
  'lore-exclude-text': 'Excluded Class: '
  'lore-attribute-text': '{attr} Req: '
  'attribute-text': '{attr}: '
  # Slots are based on the following:
  # 0-8 = hot bar
  # 9-35 = main inventory
  # 36 = boots
  # 37 = leggings
  # 38 = chestplate
  # 39 = helmet
  # 40 = off hand
  - '36'
  - '37'
  - '38'
  - '39'
  - '40'
  • lore-requirement
    • If set to true, class, level and attribute requirements are checked in the item’s lore to determine if the player can use the item.
  • skill-requirements
    • If set to true, skill requirements are checked in the item’s lore to determine if the player can use the item.
  • lore-attributes
    • If set to true, stat bonuses are check in the item’s lore to determine if any modifications to the skill are required. 
  • drop-weapon
    • If set to true, when the player tries to hold a weapon they cannot use it will drop to the ground.
  • lore-class-text
    • This sets the class group that is used to determine the class group required to use the item.
  • lore-exlude-text
    • This sets the skill that is required .
  • lore-attributes-text
    • This sets the attribute that is required to use the item.
  • attribute-text
  • slots