Homestead Documentation

Table of Contents


This section provides a brief overview of the setup process for using the Homestead plugin on your Minecraft server. It outlines the initial steps you need to take to get started, including creating classes and skills.

  • Getting Started
    • Install Homestead on your Minecraft server.
    • Ensure the plugin is initialized properly.
  • Quick Start Guide
    • This guide will help you quickly and efficiently set up your regions for rent.


    This section focuses on administrative tasks related to managing the Homestead plugin on your server, including commands, permissions, database setup, and configuration files.

    • Commands
      • Familiarize yourself with all available commands for managing Homestead features.
    • Permissions
      • Understand the permissions system and configure permissions as needed.
    • Config Files
      • Review and customize configuration files to tailor Homestead to your server’s specifications.
    • Supported Plugins
      • Minecraft plugins that are compatible with Fabled, providing additional features and integration possibilities to enhance your Minecraft server.