Homestead: Commands

Player Commands

These commands are specifically designated for players

  • /house add <player>
    • This command allows players to share their plots with their friends.
    • The player will become a member of the plot region in WorldGuard.
    • The player will have access to the plot’s/house homecommand.
  • /house remove <player>
    • This removes a player from from the owner’s plot region.
  • /house players
    • List the members of this plot region.
  • /house sell <player> <price>
    • This will send an offer to sell the plot to a player
    • In order for the player to purchase, they will need to use the command /house buy <player> when they get the sell notification.
  • /house buy <player>
    • Accepts the sell offer from a player selling their plot region.
  • /house list
    • Shows a list of plot regions the player owns.
  • /house home
    • Teleports the owner and members of the plot region to the plot’s home location.

Admin Commands

These commands can be sent by the player or by the console.

  • /homestead reload
    • Reloads the plugin
  • /homestead saveall
    • Saves region data to the file.
  • /house admin owner <id> <owner>
    • Sets the owner of the plot.
  • /house admin addplayer <id> <player>
    • Description: Adds a player to a plot. 
  • /house admin removeplayer <id> <player>
    • Description: Removes a player from the plot.
  • /house admin sign <id>
    • This sets a sign to the plot region for the player to interact with for renting the plot
  • /house admin sethome <id>
    • Sets the home location of a plot.
      • It’s recommended to do this command while inside the plot region
  • /house admin create <id> <deed>
    • This command creates a new plot region and assigns the deed type required to rent this region.
  • /house admin update <id>
    • Updates a plot’s sign
  • /house admin expiry <id> <seconds>
    • Allows you to change the time in seconds for when the plot while expire.
    • This command works great for testing purposes.
  • /house admin admin <id> <deed>
    • Sets the deed type required to rent the plot region.
  • /house admin remove <id>
    • Remove a plot region from the server, this can’t be undone!