Mirage: Language File


Each section below comprises the settings within the /mirage/lang.yml file that displays the language used within the plugin. This file is fairly straight forward, just replace the messages with your own or use the defaults. This file would also allow you to translate the language use to your chosen language.

    exp: "&cYou need at least {amount} exp to mine this block."
    VAULT_money: "&cYou need at least {amount} G to mine this block."
    JOBS_money: "&cYou need at least {amount} G to mine this block."
    JOBS_exp: "&cYou need at least {amount} {0} exp to mine this block."
    JOBS_points: "&cYou need at least {amount} points to mine this block."
    exp: ""
    VAULT_money: ""
    JOBS_money: ""
    JOBS_exp: ""
    JOBS_points: ""
    exp: "&7You earned {amount} exp from mining this block."
    VAULT_money: "&7You earned {amount} G from mining this block."
    JOBS_money: "&7You earned {amount} G from mining this block."
    JOBS_exp: "&7You earned {amount} {0} exp from mining this block."
    JOBS_points: "&7You earned {amount} points from mining this block."