Genesis Placeholders

Placeholder Usage

  • Messages in messages.yml file
  • ShopItems
    • MenuItem / Price item / Reward item
      • Name
      • Lore
      • Skull owner
    • Commands if RewardType is command/playercommand/opcommand
    • Shop name / shop page if RewardType is shop / shoppage
    • Message
  • Maybe in a few more places

Calculation  Placeholders

  • Use curly brackets { } to perform calculations within text. Include placeholders, plain numbers, or PlaceholderAPI placeholders inside the brackets for calculation.
  • Calculations for ‘Reward’ or ‘Price’ are not permitted.
  • To adjust rewards or prices based on player actions, utilize multipliers in the Configuration settings /genesis/config.yml file

Calculation Examples

This simple calculation will instantly be transformed into 10.


This will display the players balance times 4 and will be updated whenever the shop is refreshed.

  • Only simple calculations are supported
    • +
    • *
    • /
    • ^

Player Related Placeholders

  • %player% Player’s username.
  • %name% Player’s username (same as %player%).
  • %displayname% Player’s display name.
  • %balance% Player’s amount of money.
  • %balancepoints% Player’s amount of points.
  • %world% Name of the world the player is in.
  • %item_in_hand% Item in the player’s main hand (plain material name).

Shop Related Placeholders

  • %shop% Name of the related shop.
  • %shopdisplayname% Display name of the related shop.
  • %page% Current shop page the player is viewing.
  • %maxpage% Highest page of the current shop.
  • %shopitemname% Name of the related item in the shop.
  • %price% Price of the related shop item.
  • %reward% Reward of the related shop item.

Item Related Placeholders

  • %itemname% Display name of the related item.
  • %amount% Amount of the MenuItem.
  • %material% Material name of the MenuItem (uses Vanilla names).

Interaction Related Placeholders

  • %left% Remaining amount after a purchase.
  • %input% Latest input of the player.

Placeholder Symbols

These symbols can be used anywhere.

  • [<3] -> ❤
  • [*] -> ★
  • [] -> ✹
  • [o] -> ●
  • [v] -> ✔
  • [+] -> ♦
  • -> ✦
  • [%] -> ♠
  • [%%] -> ♣
  • [radioactive] -> ☢
  • [peace] -> ☮
  • [moon] -> ☾
  • [crown] -> ♔
  • [note] -> ♩
  • [snowman] -> ☃
  • [tools] -> ⚒
  • [swords] -> ⚔
  • [warn] -> ⚠
  • [left] -> ←
  • [right] -> →
  • [up] -> ↑
  • [down] -> ↓
  • [block] -> █
  • [and] -> &
  • [colon] -> :
  • [hashtag] -> #