Fabled: Placeholders


Placeholders enable you to showcase details about our plugin within lore and menus. These placeholders seamlessly integrate with PlaceholderAPI.

Default Placeholders

These placeholders pertain to the player’s current/default group and can be accessed using the prefix %fabled_default_<variable>%

  • %fabled_default_currentlevel% Player’s current level
  • %fabled_default_maxlevel% Player’s maximum level
  • %fabled_default_currentmaxmana% Player’s maximum mana
  • %fabled_default_scurrentmaxmana% Player’s maximum mana formatted
  • %fabled_default_currentmana% Player’s available mana
  • %fabled_default_scurrentmana% Player’s available mana formatted
  • %fabled_default_currentmaxhealth% Player’s maximum health
  • %fabled_default_scurrentmaxhealth% Player’s maximum health formatted
  • %fabled_default_currenthealth% Player’s available health
  • %fabled_default_scurrenthealth% Player’s available health formatted
  • %fabled_default_currentmananame% Player’s current group’s mana name
  • %fabled_default_scurrentmananame% Player’s current group’s mana name formatted
  • %fabled_default_currentgroupname% Player’s current group name
  • %fabled_default_currentclassname% Player’s current class name
  • %fabled_default_currentavailableattributepoints% Player’s available attribute points
  • %fabled_default_currentprefix% Player’s current group’s prefix
  • %fabled_default_scurrentprefix% Player’s current group’s prefix formatted
  • %fabled_default_currentexp% Player’s experience points (exp)
  • %fabled_default_scurrentexp% Player’s experience points (exp) formatted
  • %fabled_default_currentrequiredexp% Player’s required experience points for the next level
  • %fabled_default_scurrentrequiredexp% Player’s required experience points for the next level formatted
  • %fabled_default_currentavailableskillpoints% Player’s available skill points
  • %fabled_default_skillpoints% Player’s maximum available skill points

Player Placeholders

These placeholders exclusively function if the player possesses data within the selected group. They begin with %fabled_player_<groupname>_<variable>%.

  • %fabled_player_<groupname>_attribute:<attributename>% Indicates how many points the player has in the specified attribute within the group.
  • %fabled_player_<groupname>_availableattributepoints% Shows the number of available attribute points the player has within the group.
  • %fabled_player_<groupname>_investedattributepoints% Specifies the number of invested attribute points the player has within the group.
  • %fabled_player_<group>_availableskillpoints% Displays the available skill points the player has within the group.
  • %fabled_player_<groupname>_mainclass% Provides the name of the group for the player.
  • %fabled_player_<groupname>_currentexp% Represents the current experience points of the player within the group.
  • %fabled_player_<groupname>_requiredexp% Represents the required experience points for the player within the group.
  • %fabled_player_<groupname>_scurrentexp% Displays the current experience points of the player within the group in a formatted manner.
  • %fabled_player_<groupname>_srequiredexp% Displays the required experience points of the player within the group in a formatted manner.
  • %fabled_player_<groupname>_level% Indicates the level of the player within the group.
  • %fabled_player_<groupname>_currentmana% Represents the available mana of the player within the group.
  • %fabled_player_<groupname>_maxmana% Represents the maximum mana of the player within the group.
  • %fabled_player_<groupname>_scurrentmana% Displays the available mana of the player within the group in a formatted manner.
  • %fabled_player_<groupname>_smaxmana% Displays the maximum mana of the player within the group in a formatted manner.
  • %fabled_player_<groupname>_scurrenthealth% Displays the available health of the player within the group in a formatted manner.
  • %fabled_player_<groupname>_smaxhealth% Displays the maximum health of the player within the group in a formatted manner.
  • %fabled_player_<groupname>_skillevel:<skillname>% Indicates the skill level of the player for the specified skill within the group.

Group Placeholders

These placeholders display information about a group (the player does not have to be in that group to view). They start with %fabled_group_<groupname>_<variable>%.

  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_basehealth% The health at level 1 of this group.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_sbasehealth% The health at level 1 of this group, formatted.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_basemana% The mana at level 1 of this group.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_sbasemana% The mana at level 1 of this group, formatted.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_healthat:<level>% The health the player would have at the chosen level.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_shealthat:<level>% The health the player would have at the chosen level, formatted.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_healthscale% How much health scales per level of this group.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_manaat:<level>% The mana the player would have at the chosen level.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_smanaat:<level>% The mana the player would have at the chosen level, formatted.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_mananame% The mana name for this group.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_smananame% The mana name for this group, formatted.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_manaregen% The mana regen for this group.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_manascale% How much mana scales per level of this group.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_maxlevel% The max level for this group.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_parent% The parent group of this group. (Example: Human > Blacksmith).
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_prefix% The prefix for this group.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_sprefix% The prefix for this group, formatted.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_requiredexpat:<level>% The required experience the player would need at the chosen level.
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_children% Returns the children of this group as a list. (Example: [Human, Orc, Troll])
  • %fabled_group_<groupname>_schildren% Returns the children of this group as a formatted list. (Example: Human, Orc, Troll)

Dynamic Editor Placeholders

The following placeholders can only be used in our Dynamic Editor, they cannot be used with PAPI supported plugins.

  • {attr:cooldown} Displays the cooldown for the skill before it can be cast again.
  • {attr:mana} Displays the required amount of mana points needed to cast the skill.
  • {attr:cost} Displays the current amount of skill points allocated to the skill.
  • {req:cost} Displays the required skill point cost to level up the skill.
  • {attr:level} Displays the current level of the skill.
  • {req:level} Displays the required level for the skill.
  • {level}/{max} Displays the skill’s current level and maximum level.
  • {type} Displays the “Type” from the skill details page.
  • {name} Displays the “Name” from the skill details page.
  • {skill_points} Displays the player’s available skill points.