Fabled Getting Started

Download Fabled and Codex:

  • Visit the Spigot page to acquire stable versions of Fabled.
  • Access development builds with more experimental features and updates through the Discord server.

Upload Plugin Jars

  • Transfer the obtained Fabled and Codex plugin files to your server’s designated plugins directory.

Start Server

  • Initiate your server to set up essential folders and configurations required by the Fabled plugin.

Configure Data Saving Settings:

  • Open the config.yml file located within the /plugin/fabled/ directory.
    1. Enable automated data saving by setting auto-save to true.
    2. Adjust the frequency of data saving by modifying the minutes parameter (default is every 30 minutes).
    3. Activate MySQL integration by toggling sql-database to true.
    4. Fill in MySQL database details under sql-details, including host address, port number, database name, username, and password.
    5. Optionally, synchronize data across multiple servers by adjusting the delay setting.

Next Steps:

  • Explore Fabled’s extensive customization options to efficiently manage your server and its players.
  • Further refine your server’s setup by exploring additional configuration files.
  • Utilize Fabled’s dynamic editor to craft unique skills and classes seamlessly integrated within the plugin.

Remember to save any alterations made to the config.yml file before restarting the server to enact the changes.