Fabled Enchants: Getting Started

Download Fabled, Fabled Enchants and Codex:

  • Visit the Spigot page to acquire stable versions of Fabled, Fabled Enchants and Codex.
  • Access development builds with more experimental features and updates through the Discord server.

Upload Plugin Jars

  • Transfer the obtained Fabled, Fabled Enchants, and Codex plugin files to your server’s designated plugins directory.

Start Server

  • Initiate your server to set up essential folders and configurations required by the Fabled Enchants plugin.

Configure Data Saving Settings:

  • Open the config.yml file located within the /plugin/fabled/ directory.
    1. Enable automated data saving by setting auto-save to true.
    2. Adjust the frequency of data saving by modifying the minutes parameter (default is every 30 minutes).