Fabled: Dynamic Editor

Dynamic Editor

  • Access the Dynamic Editor homepage here.


  • In the Dynamic Editor, groups are represented as classes, although technically classes are a type of group.


  • Skills consist of multiple components, including triggers, targets, conditions, and mechanics.


Components are what make up the various parts of skills.


  • Triggers are the activation mechanisms for skills; every skill requires a trigger to function.


  • Targets specify what the skill will affect or interact with.


  • Conditions serve as prerequisites that must be met before a skill can execute; if the condition is fulfilled, its children will activate.


  • Mechanics dictate the actions or effects of the skill.

Exporting Classes & Skills

To transfer your classes and skills to your server, you must export them from the Dynamic Editor:

  1. Locate the blue icon in the bottom right corner of the Dynamic Editor.
  2. Clicking the icon will generate a backup of all your skills and groups.
  3. Upload these files to the dynamic folder on your server, typically located at plugin/fabled/dynamic
  4. After uploading, restart your server or use the command /class reload to apply the changes.