Fabled: Commands

Player Commands

These commands are specifically designated for players

  • /class acc <accountId>:
    • Switches the player’s active account to the specified account ID.
  • /class attr:
    • Opens the attribute menu for the player to allocate points and view current attributes.
  • /class bar:
    • Toggles the visibility of the skill bar, if enabled in the configuration.
  • /class bind:
    • Binds the currently held item to the selected skill, enabling its use with that item.
  • /class cast:
    • Initiates the casting process for the selected skill, provided all prerequisites are met.
  • /class changeclass:
    • Changes the player’s class to the specified one within the designated group, maintaining current levels.
  • /class clearbind:
    • Removes all skill bindings from the player’s held items.
  • /class combo:
    • Configures the click combo sequence for the selected skill.
  • /class customize:
    • Opens an in-game editor to customize the plugin’s GUIs, allowing adjustments to layout, icons, and other visual aspects.
  • /class options:
    • Displays the available class options for the player to choose from.
  • /class profess:
    • Attempts to switch the player’s class to the specified one, if currently allowed.
  • /class refund:
    • Refunds all skill points spent by the player, resetting their allocation.
  • /class reset:
    • Resets the player’s active account data, clearing all professed classes.
  • /class skill:
    • Opens the skill tree interface for the player, if available.
  • /class switch:
    • Changes the player’s active account to one associated with the specified class.
  • /class unbind:
    • Removes any skill bindings from the player’s currently held item.
  • /class world:
    • Teleports the player to the designated world location.

Player & Console Commands

These commands can be sent by the player or by the console.

  • /class backup
    • Description: Saves all data from SQL database to the local files. Requires SQL to be enabled and will fail if using invalid credentials.
  • /class exp [player]
    • Description: Gives experience to yourself or a specified player.
  • /class info [player]
    • Description: Displays class information about yourself or a specified player.
  • /class level [player]
    • Description: Gives levels to yourself or a specified player.
  • /class list [player]
    • Description: Provides a list of the player’s accounts along with what their main class and level are.
  • /class lore
    • Description: Adds a line of lore to the held item. Primarily for testing purposes.
  • /class mana [player]
    • Description: Gives yourself or a specified player mana that cannot exceed their maximum amount.
  • /class points [player]
    • Description: Gives a player skill points for all classes that accept command points.

Console Only Commands

These commands are only executable by the console

  • /class mobcast <mob.uuid>
    • Description: When using plugins like MythicMobs, this command allows the specified mob to cast Proskillapi skills.
  • /class forceaccount
    • Description: Sets the active account for a specified player.
  • /class forceattr [attr] [amount]
    • Description: Resets all attributes for a specified player. Resets a specific attribute for a player if an attribute is specified. Gives a player attribute points if an attribute and an amount are specified. Supports negative numbers for subtracting attributes.
  • /class forcecast [level]
    • Description: Causes a player to cast a skill, ignoring any requirements to do so.
  • /class forceprofess
    • Description: Forces a player to try to profess as the specified class.
  • /class forcereset [accountId]
    • Description: Forces a player to reset all of their progress on their current or specified account.
  • /class forceskill <up/down/reset>
    • Description:
      • “up” causes the skill to be upgraded.
      • “down” causes the skill to be downgraded.
      • “reset” causes the skill to be fully refunded.