Fabled: Permissions


These permissions allow server administrators to customize player access to various features of the Fabled plugin, including classes and skills, based on their roles, donations, or other criteria.

  • fabled.basic:
    • This is the base permission for any player using the fabled.
    • Grants access to features like professing into classes, unlocking skills, and using them.
    • Given to everyone by default.
  • fabled.level:
    • Allows players with operator status (ops) to use admin-level commands for giving levels or experience to themselves or other players.
  • fabled.exp:
    • Allows players to gain experience.
    • Given to everyone by default.
  • fabled.mana:
    • Allows players to give mana to themselves or other players.
  • fabled.force:
    • Allows players to use force commands if they’re set to be available to players.
    • By default, these commands are console-only.
  • fabled.points:
    • Grants access to the admin points command.
    • Allows players with ops to give skill points to themselves or other players.
  • fabled.reload:
    • Allows players to reload the configs for the fabled.
    • Includes options, skills, or classes configurations.
    • Typically restricted to ops.
  • fabled.class:
    • Grants access to all classes that require permissions, regardless of individual permissions for each class.
  • fabled.class.<class-name>:
    • Permission specific to individual classes.
    • Players must have this permission to access a class if “needs-permission” is set to true for that class.
    • Permission name corresponds to the class name in lowercase with spaces replaced by dashes.
  • fabled.skill.<skill-name>:
    • Permission specific to individual skills.
    • Players must have this permission to use a skill if “needs-permission” is set to true for that skill.
    • Permission name corresponds to the skill name in lowercase with spaces replaced by dashes.